The first multi-platform project from Oyibo Productions has been selected at Prix Europa 2010 - Emerging Media.
27 days to the vote
27 stories
A groupe of young Guinean directors
1 theme: democracy
27 web episodes
27 points of view
1 blog diary on a dedicated website
1 collective documentary
1958-1984 Sekou Touré rules and turns Guinea into a dictatorship.
1984-2008 Lansana Conté rules and turns Guinea into a cleptocracy.
2008-2009 Moussa Dadis Camara rules and puts Guinea under a military regime.
28 September 2009. The Guinean military shoots on protestors demanding for Camara to step down in Conakry killing 157 and injuring 1200 people.
3 December 2009. Moussa Dadis Camara is shot in the head by one of his soldiers. Civil society and opposition parties form a national unity government.
27 June 2010. This is the date chosen for Guinea's first free democratic elections.
You can screen all the web episodes on
anche io ogni tanto vi nomino
e nn vogliamo sapere come!
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