Oyibo Productions is a Rome-based production company founded in 2003 that brings together journalistic and film-making skills in order to tackle issues that are seldom reported with due care in the mainstream media.

Somalia Rifugiata, In fuga dalla terra di nessuno. Doc 28 min. January 2003
La Questione del Sahara Occidentale. Doc 20 min. March2004
Another African Story. Doc. 52 min. March 2004. Winner XI Premio Ilaria Alpi.
Core de Roma. Doc 52 min. September 2006
Niger: retroscena di una crisi. Doc 52 min. August 2005
Terra Libera Tutti. Doc 52 min.
I misteri di Canneto di Caronia , television report for Rai Tre.
Fespaco2005 . Reportage for RaiSat CinemaWorld. February 2005
Niger, crisi alimentare . Reportage for Rai 3 Primo Piano, August 2005.
Somalia, prima della guerra . December 2006.
The right to die . Al Jazeera International, 10 min. slot “People & Power”. March 2007.
Casa Matusita. 52 min. per Voyager Rai2. October 2008.
Calipari, friendly fire. Al Jazeera International, 20 min. slot “People & Power”. June 2008.
Deja-vù 52 min. Voyager Rai2. November 2008
The Toxic Truth” Al Jazeera International, 20 min. slot “People & Power”. January 2009
« Animated walls » for Ballarò. Rai 3. seasons 06/07 - 07/08 e 08/09.

+39 06 87903958