Is the worst famine in the world’s poorest country the mere result of extraordinary natural disasters or are there man-driven policies behind it? What brings over three million people in the world's poorest country on the brink of starvation? Besides exceptional poor rain and swarms of locusts, what are the roots of Niger's recurrent food crisis? Why does the UN constantly receive its funds after TV troupes arrive on the ground? And why does a country not have the resources nor the social services needed to help a population in dire need of aid? Is poverty inevitable? Through a thorough investigation and with the aid of animations, the documentary looks for the answers to a problem that affects not only Africa. Replies which go under the name of debt, structural adjustmennt programmes and privatizations...
Documentary – Current Affairs 52’Italy 2006
Director Emanuele Piano
Images Marco Ricchello
Editing Emanuele Piano
Animations: Lorenzo Terranera
Producer Emanuele Piano
Executive producer Fulvia D’Ottavi
Produced by Oyibo Productions
Original version: Italian, French
Subtitled in English
To order a copy - versions available Italian, French and English - please contact us :
well it's not exactly sweet..i'd be happy to send you a copy if yuo are inetrested in these issues
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